harm reduction
in Sacramento

By donating to SANE, you are joining a group of people who are committed to promoting public health, reducing the negative impacts of the war on drugs, and most importantly - showing your love for people who use drugs. Your support will help us continue to provide essential harm reduction programs and services to our community.

Three ways to give

Donate money

Donating financial resources helps us sustain our programs

Donate goods

We gladly accept new and gently used items that support our participants’ health and wellness

Purchase merch

Look cute and support harm reduction in Sacramento - a true win-win!


Every dollar counts - no matter how big or small - and will go directly to supporting our programs and services. If you have the ability, monthly donations are the most impactful way to sustain us.

Support Our Mission with In-Kind Donations

Our wish list is full of essential items that will help our participants care for themselves. By donating these items, you can join our mission to make a positive impact in your community.

Spread the love with tents, clothes, blankets, and more!

  • Tents, tarps, blankets, and sleeping bags to provide shelter and safety 

  • Shoes, socks, gloves, beanies, jackets and hand warmers to protect against the elements 

  • Hand towels to help maintain personal hygiene and promote good health

  • Green propane tanks to help cook food and provide warmth in colder weather

  • Flashlights and batteries to provide light during nighttime hours

In-kind donations can be dropped off at our office during business hours.

Promote hygiene and health with personal care items

  • Bar soap, shampoos, conditioners, dry shampoo, and deodorant to promote hygiene

  • Toothbrushes, toothpaste, and mouthwash to maintain good oral health

  • Neosporin to promote wound healing and prevent infection

  • Rehydration packets to prevent dehydration

Help us support our four-legged friends too!

We also accept donations of dog food and cat food to feed our furry friends.